April 9 and 11



Introduction. To train our hand, we seek to express the specific character of each music by different lines




15 minutes time to capture people in mouvement with our smartphone. The portfolio will be used during our next class.

It may be embarrassing to point our camera in direction of unknown people.

Among those people, one at least in known…:-)


Drawing the body. First exercise: the scarecrow

t’s easy to recognise a human being! The maestria of African artist in stylising people inspired lots of great artists before us. Just to mention Picasso…

Artefacts photographed at The Musée Branly in Paris






Life drawing.

End of session


“All that is important is this one moment in movement. Make the moment important, vital, and worth living. Do not let it slip away unnoticed and unused.”
Martha Graham

I wish you to move with pleasure toward our next encounter. .

